Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
Research from Indiana State and Ball State Universities have confirmed that healing from injuries to the muscles, tendons and ligaments can be rapidly accelerated by inducing a “fibroblastic healing response” in the tissues. This is nearly impossible using the hands or fingers, but is easily accomplished using specialized a specialized procedure called Graston Technique®.
Here’s how it works: Fibroblasts are specialized cells that produce new collagen fibers and guide the healing of tendons, ligaments, painful and contracted scars, and other soft tissue injuries. The application of instruments used in Graston Technique stimulates fibroblasts to produce better collagen, and mobilizes adhesions between collagen fibers. Our advanced applications of Graston Technique for athletic injuries and painful conditions is limitless. Patients who have markedly benefited from this procedure in our clinics include international caliber runners, local high school soccer, football, basketball, professional dancers, fitness professionals, volleyball and gymnastics stars, and PGA professionals as well as weekend warriors, desk jockeys and whiplash patients.
Do you have a soft tissue injury that still causes you pain? Plantar fascitis, knee injuries, Achilles tendonitis, and tendonitis of the shoulder are examples of chronic injuries that are often a bothersome hassle. These conditions are often easily addressed using our skills and experience with Graston Technique. Call us for an appointment, or do you sports-minded friends a favor by telling them where they can get experts who use this specialized and powerful soft tissue therapy!
PUSH Technique
A specialized form of soft tissue and pressure therapy for patients needing deep muscular work to release tension and pain, PUSH® is practiced at The Center for Spine, Sport & Physical Medicine by our lead massage therapist, Lori Johnson, CMT. Lori is a certified PUSH instructor and has introduced many of our patients into a whole new world of pain-free living through the unique benefits gained through PUSH.
If your muscles are so tense they are literally “wound tighter than an 8-day clock” you owe it to yourself to get the release you need from PUSH therapy. Call now for your 60 or 90 minute session with Lori!