We Are a Multidisciplinary Clinic Providing Chiropractic Care, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, & World Class Nonsurgical Sports Medicine & Athletic Performance Enhancement
Premier Chiropractic Spine & Sports Medicine
Epidemiological research continues to affirm the fact that nearly 95% of sports injuries as well as 80% of back and neck injuries are “mechanical” in nature. So the likelihood is very high that you will benefit greatly from the highly skilled manual, “mechanically-based” therapies and corrective home exercises we provide.
But what about the 20% of back and neck pain that is not mechanical/musculoskeletal in nature? Or, even if itis mechanical, what if your clinical progress slows to a standstill — or never gets off the ground? Perhaps you can’t heal because you can’t get restful sleep. You wake up with thigh or leg pain in the middle of the night, and it is just not going away. This is more than frustrating!
We’ve got good news — you’re in good hands. At the Center for Spine, Sport & Physical Medicine in Lone Tree we have many tools at our disposal to help you.
Chiropractic Medicine
Simply put, Chiropractic Medicine is mechanical therapy for a mechanical problem. It is the art and science of adjustment and manipulation of the body’s muscles and joints by hand to restore normal mobility. The word “Chiropractic” comes from the greek words “praxis” and “chiros” meaning “to do work by hand.” Chiropractic manipulation (or “adjustment”) is scientifically proven to be one of the most rapidly effective treatments for most causes of back and neck pain. Manipulative therapy is also effective for other joints of the body: the jaw (or TMJ) joints, hips, shoulders, knees and feet. If you have arthritic shoulders, knees or hips, or if you are an elite athlete training for your next triathlon, we have gentle, effective manipulative techniques and rehabilitation equipment to bring your body up to its maximum potential! Whether young, old or in between, we utilize a variety of techniques that are safe, gentle and specific to your needs.
We invite you to discover our superior approach to the practice of Chiropractic Medicine in Colorado. We are the trusted, preferred chiropractic referral for many medical physicians and surgeons in Colorado. Our clinic is conveniently located for easy access from anywhere along the Front Range. We look forward to meeting you soon!
What sets us apart at the Center for Spine, Sport & Physical Medicine in Lone Tree, CO
One thing that sets us apart is the awareness that the solution to your condition may require the use of methods that do not require manipulation at all. Manipulative therapies (or “adjustments”) are not a panacea. As an example, many patients with shoulder pain have muscular imbalances and ligamentous weakness allowing for excessive movement at the shoulder joint. Manipulation of a shoulder that is already “too loose” would not be helpful! In such cases our treatment focuses on increasing the stability of the shoulder, while addressing any concurrent spinal problems that may be contributing to or perpetuating the shoulder problem.
The right treatment for the right problem = Better Results!
There is an adage that says: “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” This is the standard “one-size-fits-all” approach typically used elsewhere. Not so at our clinic! Just because we specialize in Chiropractic methods doesn’t mean that we are narrow in our consideration of what our patients need most. That’s why we are a multidisciplinary clinic. You have easy access to multiple treatment options from an integrated team of 8 caring, compassionate, health care providers. You’ll get the treatment approach that’s right for you!
In-house rehabilitation
What can I do to help myself recover faster?
What a great question — and we LOVE to hear it! It’s what every active, outdoors-loving Coloradan asks us. Our answer to this question is our secret weapon: Rehabilitation! Drs. Jon Seeman and Joel Carmichael have advanced training in sport medicine and rehabilitation, and Dr. Carmichael has been privileged to to be an official team physician for Team USA at the 2012 London Olympic Games. He has traveled with the United States Olympic Weightlifting team for 2 world championships and currently travels internationally with USA Beach Volleyball and our USA Archery Team. Our Doctors of Chiropractic help patients realize their goals faster, more completely and more lastingly through combined exercise, manual therapy techniques, and a vast catalogue of home exercise prescriptions for core stability and balance. Scientific studies have consistently shown superior clinical results through combining chiropractic manipulative therapy with exercise rehabilitation. Patients are delighted with our expertise and enjoy the superior results only possible through the phenomenal changes in strength and balance they gain through rehabilitation.
Most body pain is mechanical; our techniques match the problem precisely
A final unrecognized truth about low back pain, neck pain and headaches: A significant majority of these conditions are either entirely mechanical in their origin, or have a significant mechanical component. That is, low back, neck and headache pain are often the result of mechanical restrictions and imbalances involving the body’s structure and musculature. As we’ve said before, at the heart of Chiropractic Medicine is the use of mechanical therapies for mechanical problems. We are simply matching the problem to the solution.
Our unique approach
Our goal is to get you back to full health and full activity as quickly as possible. With a provider team of 2 chiropractors, spinal decompression, rehabilitation, integrated acupuncture and massage services, you will receive unsurpassed, world class treatment at our easily accessible location. Here are some of the unique features of our practice we know you’ll appreciate:
No hype. No nonsense.
You want fast, effective, affordable pain relief, stress-reduction, and overall better health. You don’t want a bait-and-switch, high pressure, sign-up-for-3-years sales pitch. Did you know that we can resolve most painful conditions and injuries we treat in less than 2-3 weeks with 8 visits or less? Our patients find it easy to refer others knowing that we practice with a very simple, no-nonsense approach. And the large majority of our new patients do NOT require x-rays. We accept most insurances, and we have special cash discounts for the uninsured.
- Results-oriented approach for spine and sports injuries
- Advanced post-graduate training; over 29 years of practice experience
- Multi-specialty, truly integrated care
- Two decades of cooperative, trusting relationships with local medical specialists
Your initial visit with our doctors will provide all the information needed to determine the appropriate next step in your care. X-rays are not routine, but are obtained when necessary. Once we’ve pinpointed the problem you will receive detailed information about your condition, including what you can do at home to help you recover faster AND prevent a recurrence of pain in the future. With few exceptions we expect our patients to improve quickly and steadily under our care. If your progress is slower than expected, we will change your treatment promptly. For more information call the Center for Spine, Sport & Physical Medicine in Lone Tree, CO at (303) 290-8342.