We have created a NEW WAY to restore maximum performance for the injured athlete and people seeking help in their recovery from a sports injury, back/neck pain, or disc herniations/sciatica.
We saw a huge problem: the fragmented way injured people “cobble together treatments from here and there” to put together something that addresses ALL their needs. Some therapy here, acupuncture there, some massage thrown in, and then a visit (or too many visits(!)) to a chiropractor. Fragmented is NOT good. We said: “Hurting people deserve better — way better!”
That’s when the lightbulb came on: “What if people could get the BEST of everything they needed to feel better faster, recover from pain and injury in the most complete way possible, and protect themselves from re-injury — ALL IN ONE PLACE?” It’s never been done before in the realm of non-surgical chiropractic sports medicine and spine rehabilitation. So we created it. We got together the best specialists we could find, and we insisted that they use state-of-the-art techniques and equipment that you normally find only available to elite and professional athletes, at an Olympic Training Center, or in a Division I NCAA athletic medicine clinic. And we said: “Let’s make these techniques and technologies available to EVERYBODY, young and old.”
So whether you’re an athlete, a parent or coach seeking care for your athlete, or someone with chronic spine or joint pain from arthritis, a car accident, or some other mishap, we are committed to this fundamental difference: Here you will always have access to the same caliber of care and expertise that we deliver to Olympic and professional athletes. It means faster results, earlier return to competition or work, and better performance in sports, in exercise, and in life — short term and long term.
The Center for Spine, Sport & Physical Medicine was born out of the belief that you deserve access to the most highly effective non-surgical options available. Your body deserves the best chance to recover fast and feel awesome for your best physical performance ever. It is the prospect of providing this to you that keeps us excited! (Read Funktionslust, Dr. C’s prior blog on 9/20/13!)
We are THREE NON-SURGICAL SPECIALTIES WORKING TOGETHER, ALL IN ONE PLACE, redefining the conservative rehabilitation and care of sports and spine injuries in Denver. And we’re having a great time doing it!